"Santa's Countdown to Christmas: 24 Days of Stories": a minha resenha de um calendário do advento muito divertido

"Santa's Countdown to Christmas: 24 Days of Stories ", de Kim Thompson, com ilustrações de Élodie Duhameau foi-me cedido pela Netgalley e pelo editor, para que eu fizesse uma apreciação honesta deste livro. Não há de momento edição em português.

Publiquei a minha opinião no Goodreads com 4/5 estrelas e a seguinte "review":

"Everybody knows advent calendars. My kids love those with chocolate. But they will love this one too: an advent calendar of Christmas stories. These tell us how Santa, the elves, and the reindeers are preparing themselves for the big day, Christmas day. The stories, thought extremely short, are very amusing. The illustrations help to turn this book into a very fun reading. I think it will add to the pleasure and excitement of kids waiting for Christmas day.

I received this book as an eARC from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review".


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