"Meet the Imaginative Joe Dreamer": um livro para crianças sobre o poder da imaginação infantil

"Meet the Imaginative Joe Dreamer" foi-me cedido pela BookTasters e pela autora, Karlene Stewart,  para que eu fizesse uma apreciação honesta deste livro. Não há de momento edição em português. Publiquei a minha opinião na Amazon e no Goodreads com 4/5 estrelas e a seguinte "review":

Little Joe is 5 years old, lives with his parents in the Cayman Islands and loves to draw and paint. He also loves to imagine that his drawings are real. I like the fact that Joe’s parents clearly encourage their child to express himself through his “artistic” creations, which are so important for the development of children his age. Joe is a loved and happy boy. When faced with a bad day, Joe attempts immediately to, with his innocence and positive attitude, change the situation with the most precious resource he has: a child’s imagination.

The illustrations are full of vibrant, bright colors that recall us of the joyful days of Summer and happy kids drawings.

By reading this book, children will have greater confidence in their ability to change the world through the magic of their imagination and creativity.

As a librarian in a library specialized in children’s rights, reading this story reminded me immediatly of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 13:

“1. The child shall have the right to freedom of expression; This right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child's choice”. (UNICEF)

This book talks about this children’s right in a simple, innocent, cheerful and loving way.

Gostei de ler este livro. Transmite às crianças a confiança de que elas conseguem resolver os problemas que surgirem através dos seus próprios meios, da sua imaginação e criatividade. As ilustrações são solarengas. :) 


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